Generative AI

July 27, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

I was recently commissioned by Gruhe Architects to photograph a house in Birmingham which had been substantially extended. The gable on the left of these images is entirely new, and is designed to be sympathetic to both the existing structure and to neighbouring houses.

To photograph the whole house without obstructions such as trees and walls, the camera had to be placed within the front garden. This necessitated the use of an ultrawide (17mm) shift lens so that the whole elevation could be seen. Whilst this is a very useful lens, when a building is close up, and at an oblique angle, there are times when the resulting image can appear unnatural.

So in this case, I used perspective warp in Photoshop 2023 to make the view appear more like that which the eye/brain combination would perceive when seeing this elevation. The angle is brought closer to the horizontal, so the image seems more restful. One problem which this caused was that the section of the sky to the top left of the image was cut out, leaving a blank area. The newly added feature of generative AI solved this in a few simple steps; previously, this would have involved a lot of time-consuming cloning or even dropping a completely new sky into the picture.

The original image is above, the modified one below.


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