Brick product marketing photography for Marshall's and CIB

January 02, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

A recent product shoot for Marshall's, organised through CIB. This is for a brick product, and is the first of two shoots at this site - the second one will take place shortly when the scaffolding is down. A particular issue with this type of work, at this time of year, is dealing with low solar angles and the consequent presence of shadows on most of the elevations most of the time: the timings needed to be very exact.

That said, it was also necessary to photograph some areas in complete shadow - this gives a realistic impression of how the product actually looks. At this time of year especially, shadows tend to have a cooler colour temperature than sunlit areas.

Also, with new brickwork, there tends to be some damp and efflorescence (white salt crystals especially near mortar joints). It is necessary to either avoid these areas or to work on them in post-production, mainly with cloning. This actually gives a more accurate impression of what the product will look like in a year or so. 



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