Elgar Unit, Worcester Royal Hospital

December 18, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

A recent shoot for Pinnegar Hayward Design. These images are of the newly refurbished crisis centre of Worcester Royal Hospital.

December is the worst month of the year for architectural photography, because the opportunities for getting sunlight on the facades of buildings are very limited. Here, the main elevation was north-east facing, so on the day, in spite of the forecast, the early morning mist did not lift until the sun had moved away completely. So I had to enliven the dull lighting by increases of contrast and saturation, and have the skies as a separate layer - they are as photographed on the day, but would have been washed out completely if taken as a single exposure.

The camera used, as in most of my work these days, is the Canon 5DS-R, which has no low pass filter, thereby enabling higher detail definition than most sensors. The lenses are a combination of the Canon TS-E17 (ultrawide shift lens) and Canon 24-105.

The interior lighting is mostly a mixture of ambient light and bounce flash. architectural and interior photography of Worcester Royal Hospital architectural and interior photography of Worcester Royal Hospital
architectural and interior photography of Worcester Royal Hospital architectural and interior photography of Worcester Royal Hospital
architectural and interior photography of Worcester Royal Hospital architectural and interior photography of Worcester Royal Hospital architectural and interior photography of Worcester Royal Hospital


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